The Membranous Box

The Membranous Box


Museum Size

Key visual for The Membranous Box
A visualisation for The Membranous Box with a black cube above a grey ground
A visualisation for The Membranous Box with four black cuboids and one pink cuboid stacking together
Tunnel 1 of The Membranous Box for collecting dead skin

The Membranous Box


Museum Size

“The Membranous Box” is a personal museum that aims to educate the audience from all ages group to reflect on the social construction of beauty and identity defined by these consumer products. In science, a black box is a device, system or object which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs without any knowledge of its internal workings. We would like to create a museum as a black box which will absorb the audience ‘unwanted’ matter from their body processes. And it will transform into the energy source that power the ecological system of the museum.